Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Graham Elson

 Graham  Elson 


  An Artist who creates work which he wants people to interact with, being in a space which can be outside or in. He uses touch sensitive paint that enables a reaction to the sound playing through the physical via touch and sound.



 He also uses madmapper, a video sound responsive program using his background in theatre.

Pushing the boundaries using technology which appear to pull around vision, he is a multidisciplinary artist touching on sensitive subjects in society such as suicide bombing.   


His work appears to communicate through ideas that draw people in through sight, sound and touch, so I can say it’s a sensory experience. 


I am inspired by his work to create a multilayered environment in my work.

Bringing various metrials together to create multilayered word bring sound sculpture with ceramics and textiles.  To then to interact with the environment.