Friday 29 March 2024

Empty spaces early morning walk

This morning I made the choice get out at 6.30 am and go for walk I want to go out as there are not many people out this time in the morning . I did this capture empty spaces persueing still shots to use for my multilayer film . Playing into miminal silent movie inspiration . I wanted to do some shots of myself but I have hit a wall cause if I want to take quick multiple shots I have to hold down the button . I am thinking to get over this dilemma I will need some kind of remote control clicker.Time to do some research 

Thursday 14 March 2024

sampling on my phone

Sent one of the remix to my phone laying here it's 7am sampling on the sampling app on my phone.  Sampling via my phone my track goes into a imation key bored able to move pitch sound altering the sounds of isolated parts of the track from top end to the bottom end of the piano . My intention is take these samples and to place into logic and take into develop and sculpted further with the orignal nartive in mind evolving .

Monday 11 March 2024

In movement and film

 The other day I was in the market square and caught a bunch of young women dancing . In that moment I took my camera out and decide to film this was not something that i see in nottingham it was youth  cographed moves girls having fun . I took the film and then decided to place a sample  of the track within in the film created. 

This moment has me thinking to take this further I will continue looking

Thursday 22 February 2024

introduction of work


Jenny proped artist research

Taking influence from Jenny Saviles propped I take the use of body communication leaning to an acceptance of a physical self with it commmunicate something of a dislike to it also a librates giving permission to be where you are in your body my work does this.  I have taken a portrait of my body my life myself a part it and I am exploring through the use of visuals and sound showing my honesty yet there is a not knowing or understanding through the use of sound waves pushing and and pulling use of the body surrenders it is not hiding nor is  to stand out it is ordinary .


WORKS OF artist that inspire


The multiple layers of Fred agains perfomance and sound interest me the visual that appear casual everyday yet intimate for the fimlatiy of people hw know. And gets to know of his journey. sample sounds and pictures.Playing live with his work useing keys loops beats programming in live with the footage this organic approcah . I am drawing from his layers that although appears digtal electronic he is able to bring a human feel to his work and I take that from his work as a performer and artist. I find it so beautiful as wallzt in yet has elements resemble hiphop yet theartical with movement that could enable the body to express so much colour in its movement .  This is something I take as I want to bring performance phyiscally calbrating with another perfomer.

When listening to Steve Reich's piece different trains I am taken in by his use of strings dancing among one another with the sampling of voice and sounds that resemble a steam train whistle this sound could first be seen as annoying. I take from the composers use of sampling and instrumentation the use of traditional sounds the violin bringing cinematic sound. with the use of various voices I take into my final piece I draw from traditional and non-traditional sounds in my piece of work. 



                                               Julian knxx we are whats left of us


When watching this piece on screen the footage expresses a deep entwined history of culture and community within the subject that he focuses on the images do not appear perfect nor staged they appear as everyday kinds of imagery. Ordinary into the extraordinary. It's the visual focus on the subject that connects with poetry and the repeated hook that I connected to my work along with the evolving sound with the DJ  painting sounds. It is a layered experience. Layers within work portray complicity and this I take into my work.


Tuesday 20 February 2024

Talking about inspiration / Explaining work