Hilma Klint was a female artist from Sweden
Born in 1862 from a navel family a female who was very headstrong and educated from
an aristocratic family . Part of the second generation of women to study
Royal Academy of Art.
She became well-established portrait and naturlistic artist this was the work she shared. However the work I am going to be looking at that was shared many years later after she past is abstract. There many many components that potential add towards the abstract works of Hilma KLint .
Being vegetarian her intrest of nature science spirtuality with the possibilities of unverse she was part of a group titled the five a circle women into Theosophy with her interest of Theosphy studying explored and withhold all her abstract work she shared her work with philosopher Rudolf Steiner who was also into Theosophy draws on religion philosophies and science seeing him as a mentor he saw the works as the future and not of the now. What I take from her works is the search for anwers within nature ideas of beliefs beyond painting circles when looking at the piece of work that are abstract there is the use of organic shapes. An acceptance with a thoughtful instinctive process.