Monday, 15 January 2024

sound wave exploring

Taking the sound waves and making multiple colours was a process of repetition with elements 
of improvisation thinking about the  performance being in flow the unexpected splash of colour the repetition was soothing with elements of great unexpected delivering colours to the soundwaves 
questioning what I am creating and where I am taking it arises although I am in a place that doesn't know 100percent  there is an acceptance and trust in the process as to the next step 

My work is looking at depression yet calling on the body and movement
I explored various colours with sound waves and this connects to a miss communication yet we can't translate sound waves to say how one is feeling moods of up and down the vibration echos hidden in a place that communicates a wall of colour yet the sound waves say something else .

This has me think of that song we know or we think we know one sings along yet we do not understand to we read the lyrics yet we feel joy soothed by the song.

a reflection, giving a look of being lost in a forest and stuck

clinical, fragmented but muted full of nothing. you can see there is life but not sure what life is, a neutral space neither happy nor sad.

going from the singular to mulitple a continues knowing a rythm although there is an improvisation colours changing

exploring with the multiple colours on a smaller visual plays on pixellation, breaking imagery down, forcing you to look further seeing bits that are disjointed and bits that stand up. This emphasises the whole idea of depression and changing of mood.

taking colour adds to the numbness and decreases the colour shield doesn't communicate what is actually going on. Colour can be a shining force but it cn also act as a shadow to the truth.


Wednesday, 3 January 2024

sound waves and bodies

captured locked in restricted prison hell emptiness ristricted isoalted 

decomposed  and deteriorated discussed 

faded fragmented unreconisible nothingness

Taking these images and deconstrcting is about showing the place within as one can feel lost and out of touch with the self and the song and voice fading with who we are. Using the soundwaves . 
The excersise of  creative artistic expression the making takes us away from the feelings of empty . 
Agknowledging the self within the process with making is essential with looking at the phyiscal work the sound pieces created .