Wednesday, 3 November 2021

exhbiton lakeside sculpture

Arrived at the gallery i decided to start my tour from the back and make my way to front looking at the work however as I stood in from the entrance the room the art work appeared to have a flow that worked it didn't feel to clutted shapes and textures blended well . One of the 1st pieces I looked at was these objects for me instantly thoughts heads and fencing mask  . I was draw to it for its use of colour and shape and element of textile The other piece that I like was this maybe the fluid movement and makes me think of the human figure I can see a person nealing the artist
If I am entirely honest nothing truely grabbed me as a view or artist . I  am attracted to more colour and shape . With an all female line up am not sure if it makes more intresting or if I appreciate it more because its women . I am not hundred percent within knowledge of Barbara Hepworths work but as a lengdary female sculpture I found the painting near the entry intresting . The story I have in my head was like a show of respect. I find the space quit tight although the objects complemented each other to look at . 


Ambiguity is the uncertainty, the unknowing, the non-specific when you cannot quite grab the place or label for interpretation. This gives some kind of open poetic, open chaotic place to be which can be liberating or imprisoning . An element of ambiguity in art is a mystery. A person can look at a visual piece of art or hear a beautiful sound or piece of music or sculpture and there is a thirst to draw similarity give it a label identity or meaning. 

The brain searches for familiarity, to place ourselves with it because things may look or sound different and some minds like to seek familiarity and clarity and to give something a name. We seek clarity to place it in a genre, a place, a home . This could be called the unrested mind. For you will be taking in that moment and seeing it, tasting that what is before you. Although some work may command your view it strikes you for its ambiguity something you are unable to place. This could be intentional as when art is ambiguous it stands out .

When thinking about an artist I decide to google and find something I was drawn to.
Through doing this search I found the artist Jade` Fadojutimi. I was drawn to her work and I looked further listening to conversations about her process, from her studio feeling like a bedroom to her love of anime and life escape and soundtracks influencing her mood and that it can be like a dance. She does not see titles as important although once she has a title it levels up the completion and she says a title can bring something to the work. I find her work strikingly playful, the vibrant colours and the honesty with various moods trapped but free, fluid and soft. To the eye, some may look at her work and simply see it as abstract 

She does not share the thoughts and influences behind the artwork so the interpretation is with the viewer.
Jade does not start with a titled work but works to a process often to music and also takes inspiration from colour .

Adam Baker is an abstract figurative painter looking at his work I find it to be abstract in its approach of painting what appears to be people. Focusing on the faces that neither look happy nor sad there is a clown element to them that is also quite unsettlling and unknowing although you look at the physical expression and there appears to be some kind of normal. the faces leave you unknowing 

What is an Authorship

When looking at some of the  text taken out of various chapters in Foucault what is an author he is attempting to break down the authorship pulling away from the ownership titles and boundaries lines  with an open set of  ideas that has me unable to grip on to a concrete answer. 

He is deconstructing the the idea of the value and the weight of the word tilted author how and should that person have such a title ? While thinking about this another thought comes to mind that there are many stories or pieces of art work that we all know so well and how its weaved into our lives and no many may not bother to question the authorship  that also makes me think how sometimes although the text or song can out weighs the author. 

As in like story or a song that travels many miles yet nobody knows who wrote it and some may never question .  I will focus on the what is an author . 

When I think of an author I think of the writer the person that delivered the work the painter the same and this makes you put a name or face an Identity It never occurred to me to separate the writer from the author the style of work that is presented in front of you . Why would I think otherwise or am I simple ignorant to knowledge of ownership . 

If I dismantle that idea into where the inspiration and ideas come into play taken from other areas other than the current artist itself is anything truly original. 
And if someone has written something  in a present time with historical context and is for example influenced by Shakespeare does this take away from the writer before you. For me this is not, so but ones obsession for originality could doom the work as a failure. 

Everyday we are consciously or subconsciously taken by influence to some extent but how do we determine that so much of the work is original so much is not . Is it about optimising opportunity and and seasing the opportunity to name and claim something in a capitalistic world to make profit 

On surface pieces of work can look similar to another how ever there root to and journey towards the pieces deliver could be a very different influence and one could however influence and being impressionable can lead a to feeling inadequate or feeling grateful for path of influence laying before us. But in order to fly one must shake these shackles and to and stand bravely in there authorship 

an ideas of the past he makes the point does this make them the author. As an individual author there is the want and need for your work being recognised signing the work even if it is not your proper name . It is as almost just writing a piece should be or maybe not enough and that we should humble and grateful just the allow your work to drift into the world with no ties but this is not how many think. Although there are something we properly wouldn't question like the invention of toilet.  

So I am seeking an artist where I can say that original that there work authorship. Banksy is a modern artist who makes  the whole experience of Banksy an art From us not knowing his name to element of surprise as to where he places his work on a street to the value we place on his work and it being shredded in a photo frame . Banksy apppear to understand modern times hype popularity element of surprise with street art mix that with elite art world the something of an original act all though . My knowledge of street artist has always secret hush hush.